Wednesday 17 January 2018

Chapter 9: Raja Vidya & Raja Ghuya Yoga; The King of Wisdom and The Most Confidential Knowledge

Shri Govind Gopal sharanam!
Maa Bhagavad Gita sharanam!

Verse 9.1: Dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me and anyone else, I shall impart to you the most confidential wisdom, knowing which you will be relieved of the miseries of the material world.

Verse 9.3: O Arjuna, those who do not have faith in this dharma (right path), fail to reach My Divine world, and continue to have repeated birth and death in this material world.

Verse 9.8: The material world is created again and again for all jiva atmas (souls) as a teaching ground, to take repeated birth influenced by their own nature, desires, and karma, till they attain their pure divine nature and the Divine world.

Verse 9.13&14: O Arjuna, great souls who take shelter of their pure divine nature of sat-chit-anand (divine truth-consciousness-happiness) and dharma (right path), knowing Me as eternal and imperishable, worship Me constantly with a strong resolve. They always sing My Names and glories (kirtana), offer obeisance to Me, and worship Me with single-minded devotion.

Verse 9.17: I am the father of this creation, the mother, the grandfather and the sustainer. I am the one worth knowing, the purifier, and the Divine syllable ॐ (OM or A-U-M). I am the Riga, Sama, and Yagur Vedas.

Verse 9.18: I am the supreme goal, the sustainer, the witness, the shelter, the well-wisher, and the dearest friend seeking no return. I am the origin, the resting-place, and the imperishable eternal seed.

Verse 9.22: For those who love Me dearly, constantly think of Me, and worship Me with no desires for self, I provide full shelter and personally attend to their needs.

Verse 9.26: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will lovingly accept it.

Verse 9.27&28: O Arjuna, whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever gift you give, and whatever penance you perform, do it as an offering to Me. By doing so your mind will be established in renunciation and you will be freed from the bondage of your karmas and their good and bad results. Eventually, you will attain your pure divine nature (sat-chit-anand: truth-consciousness-happiness nature) and the Divine world.

Verse 9.29: I am equal to all, I envy no one, nor am I partial to anyone. But whoever renders service to Me with love and devotion is My dear friend, and I too love him.

Verse 9.34: Engage your mind in always thinking of Me, become devoted to Me, worship Me, and offer obeisance to Me. Thus being always absorbed in My thoughts, you will attain My Divine world.

Maa Bhagavad Gita sharanam!
Shri Krishna Yogeshvar sharanam!


  1. Beautiful wisdom. Hari Om!

  2. We are very thankful to Yogeshvar Shri Krishna for this eternal Divine Wisdom.

    1. Blessings of Shri Krishna and Maa Bhagavad Gita always be with all of us. May this Divine wisdom eternally shine in our hearts and souls.

  3. Replies
    1. Hare Krishna Dear!
      Shri Krishna sharanam mamah!
      Maa Bhagavad Gita sharanam!
      Let's meditate on and seek shelter of the Divine wisdom of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita.
