Thursday 21 December 2017

Chapter 3: Karma Yoga, The Yoga of Action

Maa Sita Ram sharanam!
Shri Hanuman sharanam!
Shri Krishna Arjuna sharanam!
Maa Bhagavad Gita sharanam!

Verse 3.6: If our mind is constantly thinking of sense objects, then restraining body's senses does not help. We need to streamline our thought process.

Verse 3.8: We must always carry out our righteous duties (karma), as doing so is better than not doing anything.

Verse 3.9: If we carry out our righteous duties (karma) as a dedication and sacrifice for our Dear Lord, and our karma are for His satisfaction, then we will not be bound by results of our karma.

Verse 3.17: For a person whose source of happiness is in his true self of atman, such a person attains true peace and joy; for him, there is no karma.

Verse 3.19: Carryout your karma as a duty without attachment to its results/rewards/fruits. This is the path to supreme peace and happiness.

Verse 3.22: Shri Krishna says to Arjuna, there is no karma in the three worlds that is prescribed for Me, still I am engaged in karma to set an example for all.

Verse 3.23: Shri Krishna says to Arjuna, if I don't carry out karma, then people will follow my example and lose faith in karma yoga.

Verse 3.25: Wise and learned people should carry out their karma without attachment to its results/rewards/fruits, and set an example for others to follow this right path of karma yoga.

Verse 3.36: Arjuna asks Shri Krishna, why are we sometimes compelled by force to do sinful acts even if we know it is not good to do so.

Verse 3.37: Shri Krishna replies, selfish/material desires (कामना) are the reason for sinful actions. When these selfish desires are not fulfilled anger and unrest arise that destroys a person's peace and happiness.

Verse 3.38: As fire is covered by smoke, as a mirror is covered by dust; selfish/material desires (कामना) cover jiva atmas pure divine nature of sat-chit-ananda (divine truth-consciousness-happiness).

Verse 3.39: Selfish/material desires (कामना) burn in a jiva atmas mind and intellect like a never-ending fire and cover his true divine nature of sat-chit-ananda.

Verse 3.40: Selfish/material desires reside in our mind and intellect. Strong desires shape our intellect, which ultimately shapes our karma and destiny. These desires overcome our true divine nature of sat-chit-ananda.

Verse 3.41: O Arjuna, by constant practice you must discipline your body's senses, mind, and intellect, and take them on the path of real peace and happiness instead of selfish desires.

Verse 3.42: Mind is higher than body's senses, intellect is higher than the mind and self (jiva atma) is higher than intellect.

Verse 3.43: Knowing the self (jiva atma) to be higher than body, mind, and intellect, we should try to overcome our internal enemy of selfish/material desires with constant effort and spiritual knowledge.

Maa Bhagavad Gita sharanam!
Shri Nanda-nandan sharanam!


  1. Replies
    1. Many many thanks for liking this Divine wisdom of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita dear friend. Maa Bhagavad Gita sharanam ! Shri Krishna sharanam mamah !

  2. Translation in English is simple and easy to understand. Good work!

    1. Many thanks for the appreciation. Blessings of Maa Bhagavad Gita always be with all of us. May this Divine wisdom shine in our hearts and souls. Maa Bhagavad Gita sharanam! Shri Krishna sharanam mamah!

  3. Wow .. great work .. keep it up

    1. Glad you liked it Ashutosh. Many thanks for the appreciation.

  4. Many thanks for the appreciation Ashutosh. I am glad you like the Divine wisdom of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
